Are you prepared for a comedy gut punch?
Or do you want to dish out a funny guy @$$-kicking of your own?
Either way, come on down to the Comic Bug on Thursday, September 29th, to have your funny bone broken repeatedly until you can stands no more!
Open Mic sign ups start at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7pm with your host, Jack Savell! Those who sign up get 3 minutes to bring the smackdown (there will also be a number of additional, pre-booked comics joining the lineup throughout the evening).
You always knew there was something funny about the Comic Bug (other than the smell), now you can be part of it… possibly even enhance it (but you’ll probably de-hance it* with your inferior comedy kung-fu).
C’mon, you’re not going to take that lying down, are you? Should I mention something about your mother? No? Then bring it!
EVENT: 5-Finger Punchline Open Mic Comedy Night
DATE: Thursday, September 29th
TIME: 7pm (sign ups start at 6:30)
PLACE: the Comic Bug
*Yes, I know de-hance is not a word… Jerk.