Comic Book Creators meeting Saturday, Nov 30th
Comic creators monthly meeting is the 3rd Saturday of the month from 4-6pm.
The Comic Bug Corps, Comic Book Fan Club, Oct 23rd 6:30pm.
The Comic Bug Corps is a Comic Book Club that meets here at The Comic Bug to have discussions on recent books face to face. Discussions will continue to cover everything from the streets of Gotham and Metropolis, to the jungles of Themyscira and the Savage Land, through the Kree and Skrull Empires, all the […]
Comic Creator Group with Special Guest Barbara Randall Kesel
Our monthly Comic Creator Group is meeting up this Saturday with our very special guest Barbara Randall Kesel! Barbara brings with her several years of experience in the comic book industry as both a writer and editor. She has written MERIDIAN for Crossgen Comics, The Dark Crystal for TokyoPop and many others. Her editorial credits […]
Makin’ Comics Seminar at Redondo Beach Library
Monday, October 19th from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. MAKIN’ COMICS SEMINAR with Mike Wellman and Rafael Navarro at the Redondo Beach Library. Many folks come to The Comic Bug wondering how they too can be a successful, multi-thousand dollar comic creator like our own Mike Wellman. Well, come on down to the Redondo Beach Library […]
The Comic Bug at Redondo Beach Library October 3rd
Mike Wellman made an appearance at the Redondo Beach library to talk about comic books. This is the second appearance at that location and the focus was the creative process. Mike spoke with kids young as 6 years old who wanted to someday write comic books.
The Comic Bug team at local Hawthorne library
Saturday, July 8th at Hawthorne Library 12700 Grevillea Ave., HawthorneMike Wellman, co-owner of The Comic Bug, will be holding a creator/comic book learning at the local Hawthorne library. He will be joined by Raphael Navarro, creator of the series, Sonambulo.