Women of Comics Books Unite!

Los Angeles Women’s Comic Creators League is a sketch/work group of women artist/writers/creators whose aim is to create a safe, nurturing environment to discuss current events, projects, and to have fun!

We meet every Thursday from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at The Comic Bug!

For those not in the Los Angeles area and who want to join us, we host a Skype call broadcasting from The Comic Bug So you won’t miss out on the fun. Email MOM at[email protected], Nikki at [email protected], or Ashley at [email protected] for more info.

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/342151035983734/
Comic Bug Sketch Group Meetup (Meetings are Posted Here too!): http://www.meetup.com/Manhattan-Beach-Comic-Artists-Meetup/


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