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Black Friday is coming…

No, that doesn’t mean dead DC characters will be running the shop that day.  It means that The Comic Bug is coming back hard after Thanksgiving to make you some of the meanest (and by “mean”, we mean “NICE”) offers this side of Aviation Boulevard.  We’re talking 50% off all trade paperbacks (Even the GOOD ones!), deep discounts on action figures, statues, t-shirts, DVDs  and back issues!

Nobody is hungrier than the homeless!  And this Thanksgiving, The Comic Bug is participating in a food/supply drive with one of L.A.’s premiere charities, Gobble Gobble Give!  (   In the past, we’ve fed Haiti (they’re still hungry), rebuilt the dams of New Orleans (hope they hold up), blanketed the city (with actual blankets, not cheesy flyers like the one you’re reading now) and now we’re working hand in hand with a group that is putting fork to mouth.  They say you can teach a man to fish, but how the hell does that apply to a holiday based solely on the arduous task of raising a rare bird to eat on the third Thursday of November?!  In all seriousness, check out to see what food and supplies you can drop off to help those in need.  And did we mention that you’ll get a FREE COMIC book out of the deal?  Oh yeah…

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