The Snake Who Would Not Bend signing with writer & artist
THE SNAKE WHO WOULD NOT BEND signing with artist Dawn Von Flue and writer Robb Fulcher Saturday, February 19th. 1pm-4pm Once there was a snake so frightened that he would not bend. Then, when he finally tried, he found that he could not. What was he to do? This lavishly painted children’s book will delight […]
The Comic Bug’s Grand Re-Opening on Thanksgiving Weekend!
The Comic Bug celebrated it’s Grand Re-Opening on thanksgiving weekend by hosting local artists, bands, stand-up comedian and also money saving discounts! We would like to thanks “30 Days of Night’s” Dan Wickline, “The Simpsons” Phil Ortiz, Emmy Award Winning animator Rafael Navarro, “Clockwork Girl”s Sean O’Reilly and “KISS”s Tone Rodriguez for donating their time […]